
Kitchen Repetition Will Set You Free

Kitchen Repetition Will Set You Free

Dear Kosterina Family,

Here’s a life hack suggestion for you: Eat the same meals every week.  

Why? Research shows that limiting the number of decisions we have to make each day preserves our willpower. And decision fatigue apparently makes us more likely make poor choices when it comes to food by the end of the day. 

As a mom of two in a two-career household, I am constantly trying to figure out how to ensure we eat healthy. What seems to be working for me and my family lately is literally eating the same meals each week. We eat the same meal every Monday, the same thing every Tuesday, etc. it simplifies life in so many ways. I have a “starter” shopping list of all the items I could possibly need by recipe. On Sunday I do a quick inventory check and keep anything that needs replenishment on my shopping list. Super easy. And while it sounds boring, weekends provide opportunities for food diversity and exploration and the simplicity liberating!

Here’s the standard schedule of easy, quick, healthy dinners that I make for my family each week:

The Kosterina Health Bowl – My absolute favorite. The sweet potatoes take a while to roast but otherwise it’s very quick and easy.

Bolognese Sauce over Salad – This recipe shows a Spaghetti Bolognese but of course we don’t eat pasta every week. We make this meat sauce and put it over arugula, tomatoes, avocado, nuts with plenty of EVOO.

Chicken Marbella – This is a prepare-ahead oven meal. You just have to throw a bunch of ingredients together in a bowl to marinate for several hours. Forty five minutes before dinner time, you just throw it in the oven.

Salmon & Veggies – A five ingredient meal that takes literally 5 minutes to prepare.

Turkey Burgers over Salad – We try to avoid bread whenever possible so we toss our turkey burgers over arugula and spinach salads and shower them with lots of healthy fats.

Here’s one blogger’s take on the same topic. Please share your #healthhacks with us on Instagram @kosterinaoliveoil.