
Caffeine-Free Energy

Caffeine-Free Energy
Hi Kosterina Family,

Does anyone else feel like the moment September begins life moves way too quickly? 

If you're like me, looking at your calendar post-Labor Day sends a jolt of stress down your spine. One minute we're enjoying summer sun - the next it's Christmas. And, with all the stuff you're juggling this time of year, you might find yourself on your third cup of coffee by 3PM.

So, this week at Kosterina we'll be talking about finding your energy naturally.

Don't get me wrong - I love a good cup of coffee - but after I started supplementing my daily routine with natural energy hacks, I found that I was less jittery, more calm and my energy was sustainable (finally).

Here are some proven ways that you may start to hack your energy:

1. Stock up on herbs: At Kosterina, we often say that Food is Medicine. Well, certain herbs and plants actually have been scientifically proven to increase the energy stores in your body. Some of my favorites are Maca Root (great addition to smoothies!) or Ashwaghanda (perfect for tea or taken in pill form).

2. Swap coffee for healthy fats midday: Instead of stocking up on your extra cup of coffee during the infamous 3PM Slump - try snacking on healthy fats instead. These include nuts, nut butters, eggs, avocado, and EVOO!

3. Tune in to your breath: Isn't it crazy that our breath is one of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal? Majority of us don't get enough oxygen as we breathe, which leads to low energy. If you have an Apple Watch try the Breathe app - it literally takes just one minute. Or try this one-minute energy booster that you can do at your desk! 

And if you decide you just can't (or don't want to!) drop your coffee habit -- just swap your regular espresso or latte for a half caff. Three cups of coffee = just 1.5 cups of caffeine! Have your cake and eat it too. What are your favorite ways to find your energy naturally? Tag us on @kosterinaoliveoil + share your tips!