Dear Kosterina Family,
I have so many questions about water. Is the water from my tap safe? Does the water filter in my house work well? Should I be drinking bottled water instead? But what about the plastic? Should I only be consuming bottled mineral water in glass? How much water do I actually need to drink anyway? And what about those hydration packets?
If you've ever given the safety and quality of your drinking water a second thought, take a listen to this MBG podcast episode with environmental activist, Erin Brockovich. Our team at Kosterina has been thinking deeply about how to be sure the quality of drinking water is safe, how to optimize our hydration, and how to answer some of the questions above. We don't have all the answers but we're collecting some content and resources for you. And just raising the question will hopefully just make us all pay more attention to it.
Proper hydration is an essential part of long-term health, because every single cell in our bodies needs water in order to survive. H2O is our body's central component, and since our bodies are 50-70% of water, it plays an essential role in everything from keeping our bones healthy to moderating our energy levels.
So how do we know if our drinking water is safe? At a baseline, Erin recommends
that we begin to pay attention to our body's reaction to the water we’re
using at home. If it smells off or it's impacting your skin, don't hesitate to call up
your municipality to get a report on your local water contaminants or use an at-
home kit. I’ve recently purchased this one from Safe Home but unfortunately it’s
How Much Water Do We Need?
There have been many studies done over the past few decades that try to measure the exact amount of water our bodies need each day, but it differs based on a variety of factors. The old rule of thumb is to drink about 8-10 glasses of water each day - though if that water isn't packed with the right nutrients (or even worse, if it's tainted with harmful chemicals like PFAS) it can negatively impact our well-being.
We've learned that each individual is unique, and likewise, requires a unique amount of water. Some researchers have taken a more individual, mathematical approach to hydration, claiming that dividing your body weight (pounds) in half will give your goal water intake (ounces). It is also recommended to drink an additional 24 ounces of water for each hour of exercise, with a tablespoon of salt to replenish your electrolytes.
At Kosterina, we're huge advocates for simple ways to live longer, healthier lives. And, being aware of the quality of your drinking water is a simple way to care for ourselves and our communities.
If you're up for a deep dive on water and how to optimize hydration, we recommend this episode of The Huberman Lab podcast with 2+ hours of well-researched advice!
Peace, Love & EVOO,
Katina & the Kosterina Team